Thursday, Dec. 31, 1936

Last Day of the year & how beautiful, I must say. We went out to Uncle Freds, had dinner & supper there. Clifford Stahelbers wife is in St. Louis at Mt. Rose Sanatorium she has T.B. [tuberculosis]; isn’t well at all, had been steady in bed for 2 weeks. We seen the picture of Walter Stahl & Elvira Qurin in the papers attendants, Edgar Stahl & Viola Quirin, 21 & 19, aged were married at St. Johns Evangical [sic] Church by Rev. Hasto on day before Christmas. Bill Dengarhardt 27, of Bellevile & Rethuermann girl were married yesterday at Cetreville Station by Fr. Keuth, he is Geo. Dengenharts.

Monday, Oct. 7, 1935

We washed, ironed; cleaned chicken houses, put in straw, clean garden & flower beds, so cold dalias [sic] & froze last night we took them in; Papa burned potatoe [sic] straw & weeds. Rose & Berti went out to Uncle Fred’s, got Mullin leaves for papa to use; they got some from doctor at Belleville. Mr. John Breautigam – Clara Birkner’s husband died last night of T.B; was sick so long.

Tuesday, May 21, 1935

We washed, ironed. Sewed. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up, he went to Waterloo. Mr. L. Shea of Burksville looked at the binder. Mr. Maus came to look for cultivator, neither one bought just yet. Dr. Qurin & Hy. Armstutz tested the heifers from Tubercolisis. Nice day, sunshine. Aunt Mary received chain letter from Josie Mueths said, we should take it; 10¢ would have to go to Okl. to Sims.

Wednesday, Aug. 31, 1932

Papa is hauling wood again today. Bertille went along out to Henry’s a little while. Louis Lenhardt girl Ester, 25 yr. old died Sun. from T.B. & will be buried this afternoon at 2 o clock at Waterloo. Papa & Henry where both up to get whey, but neither could get any, they aren’t marking no casein today. They had to have the milk for ice cream. Papa & Rosalia took the mule out to Henry’s. Bertille went up to Eichenseer’s corner. They said up there that Edna Wacthel was going to Waterloo Catholic School this year. Mr. Jung was here & got 20 doz. eggs, 15¢. We went over to George Wagners a little while this evening.

Thursday, July 14, 1932

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up & her & Rosalia took the car & went out to Henry’s help prepare for threshers, they had dinner there. Hy. Armstutz was here this morning & evening. The threshers came here about 2 oclock, gave them lunch. Henry threshed 59½ bus. wheat, we got 19 bus. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary went threshing at Henry Birkner’s they had them for supper. Eggs are 10¢ wheat 45 at Freeburg. Mr. Joe Eichenseer, Anton’s brother was buried this morning at Ruma, he had blood poison had a scratch on his arm. Frank Degenhardt died this afternoon at 4:30 he had T.B.