Saturday, Sept. 24, 1938

Ralph Ettling here on business. We went to Smithton, this afternoon. Bert [Bertille] got yeast from Wagner’s took 3 bottle catsup over for Firemens pinic [sic] tomorrow, wustmarket. Wittenauers cutting alalfa [sic] here today. Emil was over got step ladder, to fix his garage door. Clyde Mueth was in Belleville jail for couple days, came out this afternoon. Beautiful eve.

Thursday, Dec. 31, 1936

Last Day of the year & how beautiful, I must say. We went out to Uncle Freds, had dinner & supper there. Clifford Stahelbers wife is in St. Louis at Mt. Rose Sanatorium she has T.B. [tuberculosis]; isn’t well at all, had been steady in bed for 2 weeks. We seen the picture of Walter Stahl & Elvira Qurin in the papers attendants, Edgar Stahl & Viola Quirin, 21 & 19, aged were married at St. Johns Evangical [sic] Church by Rev. Hasto on day before Christmas. Bill Dengarhardt 27, of Bellevile & Rethuermann girl were married yesterday at Cetreville Station by Fr. Keuth, he is Geo. Dengenharts.