Friday, Aug. 5, 1938

Rained a little. Cooking catsup etc. Pap hauling a load rock for drive way. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up, she helped clean dishes for the pinic [sic] on the 10. next week; he cut lawn here. Mr. Geo. Weinhoff of Waterloo was married to Weilbacher at Millsdadt [sic – Millstadt] Miss Elnora – bridesmaid & Milton Weilbacher best man. Wm. Weber & Mary Qurin of Smithton married at St. Therasa [sic – Theresa] at Belleville, priest house, attendanted [sic] by brother & sister. she was formerly at Ruma Convent to be a nun till yr. ago, going to live at Smithton were he runs service Station there. Leo & family got plow share. Received our books from Fr. Spors, there is 41 prizes for 10 [cents] – 3 – 25 [cents]. got 2 books, 1 is filled.

Monday, June 10, 1935

Cloudy & raining, Papa went out to Henry’s. We sent the whip [Whippet] Ins. off. $5.75 & book of chances on $100 & $30 quilt, & $15 & $10 at Sacred Heart church at Dupo. Fr. Moorman pastor. to be raffled on June 13; pinic [sic] & chicken supper. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up; told us that Ivo Buehler was taken to Belleville Hospital this morning to be operated for appendix, started yesterday evening, & it got so bad, terrible pains.

Friday, Aug. 5, 1932

We all went to Waterloo this morning Rosalia & Leona went to the dentist. Bernice & Charles Wagner was here selling chances for 2 quilts at 10¢. for the pinic [sic] out the Aug. 21 at Manier’s park. A car ran over one of our chickens spring, so we butchered it for tomorrow dinner.