Wednesday, July 12, 1939

Cleaned chicken yard. Went to Paderborn to funeral of Isd. Watchel 23. Gardener Undertaker, nice flowers, large funeral, thresher all quit so long up there. Fr. Weskamp didn’t make no sermon; pall bearers were Bill Klein, Cyril Haudrich, Jonny Mueth, Jerome Haudrich, Sly. Kabureck & Sly Neff. Went to Waterloo got check for wheat allotment $31.20. Feurer farm $6.29 & Henrys $24.91. Bill [Klein] came this evening.

Wednesday, July 27, 1938

Henry & Rob. came got tractor, going to cut for Emil Ganley. Emil Brand helped went out with the Whip. got out about 10 bus. this afternoon. Bert [Bertille] went to church funeral of Nic Cortner 61 yrs. Fr. had very nice sermon; church was crowded, people had to stand in back; Pallbearers were Geo. Grossheim, Bill Karban, Ben Neff, Athur [sic – Arthur] Barthel, Wm. Probst, John Lippert. Garedener in charge of funeral. Its raining a little this eve. Bert [Bertille] took eggs up 17 [cents]. U [Uncle] Fred, Bert [Bertille] & Rob. all got cards to attend Smithton Home Coming next Sat. parade 6:15.

Thursday, March 15, 1934

Robert Laut & Joe Watchel got Rob’s hog this morning, took it to Eichenseers got it weighed 439 lbs. We went in the woods all day. This evening planted onions sets, radishes, lettuce in garden. It is in the paper that Lester Bruns & Melissa Weigand will be married Easter Monday & that he bought some land from Levi Gregson. Pete Gardener Sr. Undertaker of Belleville died last night, got sick Mon. evening with a cold & it turned to pneoumina [sic], had heart stroke & died, will be buried Mon. afternoon on account St. Joseph’s Day, no funeral, to St. Luke’s Church Bellville [sic]. Mass will be said.

Wednesday, March 7, 1934

Rose & Bert went up to mass, funeral of Mr. Berg. Koch undertaker. It wasn’t so very large, few neighbors, & relatives. Pallbearears [sic] were Willie Ganley & Reagen, Huber McDermott, Tom Havey, Abrose Doyle, Joe Kunkel. Fr. made a very nice sermon, the body was viewed in back church. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came this afternoon & we all went to Belleville to Mr. John Birkner’s funeral, Uncles step brother, at the home of John Breutigam’s, & the most beautiful flowers & so many, they had. Gardener had charge, & Rev. Pessel, the service, nephews pallbearers, Armstuz’s, Birkners & Hepp’s; It was pretty large. Cold & snowing this afternoon. Rosalia took Aunt Mary over to Mrs. Staufenbeils try her dress, see if he fits all right. Eggs 14¢ Mertz’s. Rose Pour & Mamie came after we were in bed, Mrs. Pour wanted hatching eggs, but we haven’t none this year, no roosters. Adam Eckert has chicken pox; has pretty much fever.