Tuesday, Sept. 19, 1939

Washed, ironed, patched. Pap went in woods also went to Wm. Ganleys bought 6 pigs from him $30. & that is pd. on Int. Wittenauers were shocking corn a load for us yesterday & harrowing today. Hitler made speech today over radio. The Hecker Ladies Sodality giving a card party in hall tonite.

Wednesday, Sept. 22, 1937

Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came, to put 3 in concrete in there cellar across the street, pap helped all day, water always stayed in cellar, didn’t slope enough, we had dinner & supper then beef soup. Bertie [Bertille] got flowers to plant out from Mrs Rennecker, all kinds. Henry Wittenauer’s worked up here, harrowing the ground today.

Wednesday, Oct. 2, 1935

Pap & Rose fixed fence. Henry is up again harrowing. had lunch & dinner & finished about 3 o clock. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came & took Rose & Bert along to Donahue’s. Tipton Parish gave a lotto & euchre party, good crowd. Uncle had 9 points got coffee percolator, had mostly pillow slip prizes; none us got any; Rose had 4 & Bert 5 & Aunt Mary 6, no luck; attendance prize was a bedspread; they also raffled a chair; it went to St. Louis; had a dance after the euchre, Keller & Hempe playing, also had a lot of fried chicken, each family had to donate one.

Wednesday, Sept. 19, 1934

Leona & Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary all were here papering all day, had dinner, Brand’s also had supper here, Henry is harrowing here. We went to Red Bud to the drawing, none of us were lucky. Fred Wiegand, Mary Braun, were the only lucky ones from Hecker. It was an awful crowd.

Thursday, July 28, 1932

Papa is harrowing. We caned [sic] 1 qt. pickles & tomatoes today & cooked 4 bottles catsup. Mr. Hoffman from Milstadt [sic – Millstadt] was here & looked at our horses. There was a man a round selling magzines [sic]. The Woman’s World, we didn’t subscribe. We washed our dining room curtains.

Thursday, Sept. 18, 1930

We are baking bread & coffee cake today.  Papa furnished harrowing this morning & this afternoon started plowing.  We had company this afternoon, they were neighbors to Mr. Greinvell at Smithton.  They wanted to buy some leghorn pullets, but they only wanted about 5 or 6 & we couldn’t sell them that way, they either had to take them all or’s none.  There were some gypsies went through Hecker with the wagon & horses.  We found 27 eggs today.  We took 5 doz. off & got .25¢ a doz.  Mrs. Adolph Rittemeyer is on the sick list at present the way we heard.

Monday, August 11, 1930

Papa is harrowing this morning.  Rosalia went up to church.  Then after church, she is supposed to help clean the hall in the new school on Aunt Mary’s place, all the girls & women are supposed to help from the west side of the highway.  She came home at noon.  Papa went up in the woods to see if he could get some gravel & then he went to see a fellow back in the Blackjacks.  After dinner Bertille went up to Angela’s to see if she & Hildegard were ready to go up to wash windows, but they wasn’t ready.  Angela couldn’t go until 4 o’clock so Bertille and Hildegard went up at 3:30 & then afterwards Angela came.  We finished at 6 o’clock.