Friday, Feb. 26, 1937

Went to Smithton, on business this morn, then went to Leo, pap helped saw wood, also Jake, Isd. & Chas. Mueth Joe Krebs sawed it; had dinner there, sawed about 12 loads. Pretty nice day. It was in the paper that the will of Omer’s was filed last Fri. H. M. Hill, Vic & Odillo Eichenseer as witness, Geo. Schilling executor; there was also a nice memoriam piece in paper put in by friends. Aunt Mary got her pattern that I send for last week. The late Geo. Gregson farm was sold $30. acre, Waldman of Evansville bought the farm; That is Walter & Geo & rest father place.

Saturday, Sept. 19, 1936

Rained this afternoon. Pap went to Valmeyer to Allotff sale, things brought good price, team mules $400. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped in, they went to Plenger’s sale by Round Prairie, that was a cheap sale. Oscar Birkner bought 106 acres farm, Miller place, were Grahlerrs now fines. $5,800. We went to Floraville to Jac. Reheis birthday dance. music by Schoenborn & Skairs. Gents 25¢.

Friday, Oct. 2, 1931

Leona brought Henry up with the car then went back home again.  He was here for lunch, dinner, then he took the tractor home & pap the team, Rosalia went out with the Whippet to get him.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where up this afternoon & put there stove in, cleaned it all out.  The transfer is in the paper, selling land to Oswald Neff.  The Braun Children bought their farm back again for $4,000.00, that is Henry Brauns farm.  Joe Wacthel had his house refrishents [sic -refreshens?] with a new coat of paint, the last few days.  The Hoffman Garage was leased by Nobbe Co. into which Nobbe will move Oct. 1.  The carpenters are busy this week, tearing down the old frame porch of the parsonage at Waterloo, to which a new one will be erected, & also a garage, which will make things look different.  In Waterloo they now park there cars in the middle of the street, that is Main St.’s.  Mrs. Harry Wittenauer is at present in St. Elizabeth’s Hospital, undergoing treatment.