Wednesday, Nov. 2, 1938

All Souls Day. Went to Red Bud had no mass till 8 o clock; went down for 6 was none, so went to Waterloo – high mass. Stopped at Henry’s & Shields. Geo. Schilling going to saw wood tomorrow for us. Shields is also going to help. Went to Leo’s this afternoon he is going to help & Uncle Fred. They are helping down at Chri. Buehlers today, papering I guess. etc. Henry Bruins have a baby girl born Sun. morn. Uncle & Aunt stopped in.

Tuesday, March 1, 1938

Went out to U. [Uncle] Freds sawing wood again, had them yet for dinner, Joe Krebs sawed it. Bert [Bertille] washed the car & shine it this afternoon, cleaned chicken house & barn with the team today. Henry & Leona & Billy [Willis] were at Belleville, stopped in on way back she got winter coat. gray. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came went to euchre in school hall & large crowd. Leona Wittenauer got attendance prize $1. We didn’t get nothing. Bert [Bertille] had 7 points; Emil was at E. St. Louis stock yards today; was at euchre this eve.

Thursday, May 13, 1937

Pap went out to Henry’s helped saw logs in the woods, & haul them to Schilling’s; had dinner at Henry’s. Bert baked pie etc., we got lot of milk, about 1 gal. to a milking. Uncle Fred & A. Mary were up working this afternoon; & came back again this eve. Bert [Bertille] went along to Red Bud to Catholic euchre. Uncle got pr. house slippers, had 8 points & played paps card, he got dresser scarf. Bert had 7 got rug. A. Mary 3 points; quite a few prizes & nice crowd pillow slips attendance prize by Mrs. Ed. Vogt. Fr. Stern is very low, but he said they should have the euchre; he talks yet but is very weak; pap stop to see him last Mon; he knew him right away. A man here looked at cow; to high for him. Bert Thompson send him here.

Friday, Feb. 26, 1937

Went to Smithton, on business this morn, then went to Leo, pap helped saw wood, also Jake, Isd. & Chas. Mueth Joe Krebs sawed it; had dinner there, sawed about 12 loads. Pretty nice day. It was in the paper that the will of Omer’s was filed last Fri. H. M. Hill, Vic & Odillo Eichenseer as witness, Geo. Schilling executor; there was also a nice memoriam piece in paper put in by friends. Aunt Mary got her pattern that I send for last week. The late Geo. Gregson farm was sold $30. acre, Waldman of Evansville bought the farm; That is Walter & Geo & rest father place.

Wednesday, Oct. 28, 1936

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary had dinner & supper here, we sawed wood up in the field this afternoon. Geo. Schilling sawed, & J. Mueth, Walter Braun, Ed. Mueth, Al. Cleveland, Henry, Uncle & pap. We went to the euchre at School hall, didn’t win a thing, played 10 games, had cake walk after. We had 2 chickens for dinner.

Tuesday, March 17, 1931

Today is St. Patrick, there is a euchre in Tiptown tonight.  We are going to saw wood this afternoon up in the woods.  Henry is going to saw it & Uncle Fred, Uncle Joe, & Emil are going to help.  Rosalia & Bertille drove out to Henry’s this morning, we were all out there for dinner.  Aunt Mary was there this afternoon too, she & Bobby went too Uncle Adam’s.  They didn’t get started sawing for wood until about 2:30, before that the pulley broke.  So we will have to finish tomorrow morning.  We have too take dinner out to Henry’s.  Bertille baked a cake this evening.  Bertille went to church this morning, was mass for Aunt Bridget Dunn.