Saturday, Dec. 9, 1939

Henry brought load corn. We went out this afternoon helped him with his hog; Bert [Bertille] baked pies & chicken for tomorrow, they are coming up here to see us. Carlisle Morrison of Waterloo 52 & Wihelmina Zeneiss a nurse of Springfield, 53, who was a Co. nurse here in 1930 were married recently. Stolze of Belleville 73 yr. old man that married 27 yr old girl of St. Louis, she has left for 2nd time.

Saturday, July 10, 1937

Cloudy, looks like rain. Bert [Bertille] made chicken dinner, baked apple pie. A fellow here wanted to sell apples. Leo & Rose came this eve. awhile; brought some apples & pickles.

Thursday, Aug. 22, 1935

Went out to Henry’s peel peaches, got 10 bus for $1.50 at Centralia, canned 60 qts. made peach butter & preserves, had lunch & dinner. Mrs. Geodelle & Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary helped.

Monday, Aug. 12, 1935

Papa & Rose hauled load wheat to Waterloo from out at Henry’s, got 77¢ 17 bus.; that is 3rd load from out there; papa took the Whippet to Probst’s & got oil changed; 16603 miles. Berti cooked plum jelley [sic]. Cloudy & rainy this afternoon; & night stops threshing again.

Friday, Sept. 22, 1933

Papa & Rosalia went out to Henry’s, took some tomatoes along, & got wheat & milk. We are cooking catsup & pear preserve. The hard road gang are up at Gus Keckritz’s now. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where up. Chas. Jung brought the balance what he owed us. News from the Times, Louis Lenhardt sold his property to Hy. Eichelman Sr, who will now be residents of Waterloo, & Lenhardt bought P & H Lumber Co. house.

Monday, July 10, 1933

It is cloudy & raining this morn. again. We made little garden, planted beans, lettuce. Papa & Rosalia went out to Uncle Freds got the mule again. canned 2 qts plum & cooked jelly. The lady delivered the pottery what we ordered the other day for $1.35, it looks alright. Papa is working corn with the mule & Uncle Freds mare. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where up this afternoon, for lunch & supper, he helped went down with his car to Joe Gregsons & got the rest of wheat.