Wednesday, June 22, 1938

Washed ironed baked cookies, canned 2 qt beans etc. Went to Smithton looking for used cards, so far haven’t got any yet. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were here working there plow up here. she brought bean along for me [Bertille] to can. Hy. has got a combine outfit.

Friday, March 27, 1936

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here for dinner & supper, he helped pap in the woods all day, made a lace dress for Aunt Mary & Rose made smocking on one of them. Frantz baker man has a new delivery wagon. Frost & Hy Widel, Shloemer Ford Dealers was here tonite trying to sell a used Ford 1936, 5,000 miles for $575. & our Chev., allows $75; for ours.

Wednesday, June 12, 1935

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up, had lunch & dinner. Uncle went to Red Bud, took wheat down & got flour; sewed Bertie’s dress; Papa went out to Henry’s; he had a little bad luck, hitches the mares to the mower, wouldn’t go; fell down, broke a piece in mower. It sure is terrible hot today. Used cars sale at Nobbe’s at Waterloo.