Monday, Dec. 5, 1938

Leo’s birthday 29 yrs. old. Went there butchering today, also Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary helped; came home did the feeding. Mr. Watson was here on business about Lunter [? – unclear]. Henry & family came, we went along with them to Orlet’s to birthday; for supper; played cards. Bill [Klein] came there to.

Wednesday, Nov. 30, 1938

Nice day, awful warm. Washed, cleaned chicken house, washed windows, took screens of [sic – off]. Watson was here.

Tuesday, Sept. 27, 1938

Bert [Bertille] cleaned front room took of [off] screens. Mr. Watson timber man living on Emil’s place, here on business. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary & Bert [Bertille] went to Belleville this afternoon. We went out to Leona’s birthday 28 yrs. old; those present were Mr. Gus Geodelle & family & Dan Geodelle & family, Kate Friedrich, Mr Cleveland & Mrs. Walter & Hilda Reheis & Armie. Adolph Klube & family, New Athens, house full; people all night, had 1/8 beer, cake, drinks, musci [sic] etc.