Saturday, Aug. 14, 1937

Made catsup, canned 3 qts. tomatoes. Went to Red Bud to Beckers Mill got check cashed, got new fan belt put in Chev. $1. went to Paul Crook looking for pigs, but were just delivered this morn. went through Tipton to Pluegers, but he moved last Sat; doesn’t live there any more, moved 10 miles away; went to Waterloo to church. Henry & boys were up this afternoon got wagon; last nite they were at Waterloo big W.L.S. Show at Pautlers Hall; I had forgotten all about it. Send bu. peaches small ones with Henry; pap picked 2 bu. little more. got in mushmellons & 1 watermellon [sic]. Hugo Probst is building new house on his lot, tore the old one away; also J. Kreher’s, Siedle is building that, contract job; but Probst just day labor. J. Reheis, Klein etc. We went over to Geo. Wagners awhile. Mary & Anita were out to. Clif Stahleber had a accident with his motorcycle at Pautlers, back wheel locked through [sic – threw] him quite a distance; hurt pretty bad.

Friday, June 29, 1934

Papa went out to Henry’s, the billy horse died before they got home last night, Rendering Works, got him this morning. Papa shocked up the oats bundles that were down. We cut lawn, cleaned & scrubbed basement. Gus Frisch got cistern water here to drink; working on the road. It rained this afternoon a little, but not enough to stop threshing around here, but other places had to quit. The paper has that Mr. Emil Kopp & Miss Florence Nelson were married quitely [sic] at Granite City Ill. on last Wed. June 20, they had no attendants at the ceremony. The groom is the son of George Kopp who reside east of Waterloo, he is employed in St. Louis for some time, were they will make there home, she is from St. Louis. He is also a muscian [sic], member of the Waterloo Municipal Band  & saxophone player in the Moonlighters Dance Orchestra. Mr. Kenneth Henerfourth & Virginia Kumke eloped to Chester Mon. night June 25, were married by Justice of Peace. The groom is a son of George Henerfourth of Maeystown and had been spending a 30 day furlough here from the U.S. Navy. He is stationed on the S.S. Tennesee. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Orlinda Kumke of Waterloo & Herman Oldendorph is now employed with Becker’s Mill of Red Bud & has charge of the Burksville Station Elevator which they recently purchased from the Monroe Milling Co, they began buying wheat & at this old landmark Wed. & will have flour, bran, & shorts on hand for patrons. There was a accident in Hecker, by Eichenseer store, a Chev. coach & St. Louis Dairy truck, the car had the fender & hub damage, but nothing seemed serious had a argument.