Monday, Nov. 6, 1939

Pretty warm. We butchered 176 lb. hog. Leo & family & Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary helped. Bill [Klein] stopped in, was down to see Hy. Bruns about tractor. Mr. Hill came to get news from yesterday. Hogs today $6.65.

Monday, July 24, 1939

Washed ironed, canned pickles, apples, peaches; made peach preserve. Mauff bought bu. peaches for $1. No threshing today. Hy Wiegand was down by tractor. Pautler oil man delivered 5 gal here for Wittenauers. Awful hot this afternoon. Bill [Klein] came pap went along out to Walter Wittenauers, trying to sell him a tractor, he just bought one on Sat. from Mertz don’t think it works very good; the way they said.

Thursday, Sept. 5, 1935

Aaron Papenberg’s 22 yr. birthday today. Leona brought Henry up & he couldn’t get the tractor started all morning, so he got Hugo Probst to fix it for him, started right away then. Papa is hauling coal 2 loads for basement & 1 nut coal for brooder stove .05¢; this morning; finished hauled 182 bus. including 12 bus. nut coal @ 5¢ the others 8½ & tax all $15.53 from the East Side coal mine at Freeburg. Henry finished plowing, took the tractor along home; had lunch, dinner. Papa hauled 2 loads wood from Pabsts – 60¢ paid for sawing. Mr. Ed Meng got a light stroke yesterday morning seated in a rocking chair, had the doctor, was better again now. Sterling circus in Waterloo this afternoon & evening porformances [sic] Adm. 25¢; We went in this evening, & crowd just picked reserved seats 10¢ extra, chairs & Boy it sure was good; flying trapeze, elephants & horse dance etc, big band, 3 different side shows at 10¢ Adm; littlest mother & baby. Wild west, 500 lbs. boy, a girl with thousand eyes & so much; a girl lyed [sic] down & elephant walked over her, Monkey, dogs & baby elephant etc.