Monday, Sept. 16, 1935

We washed, ironed. Most beautiful day. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, he took load wheat to Red Bud got 90¢ bu. Mr. Schmierbach of Smithon [sic] got hit by an automobile Sun. evening & was rushed to the hospital, where he died; he is pretty old man. There is so many people getting hit nowadays with cars, just awful.

Thursday, Sept. 12, 1935

Canned 2 qts. pickles & ½ pt. tomatoes. Papa & Rosalia went out to Henry’s helped put up hay; made 17 loads, stacked; Emil & Clem Parker helped; they had lunches & dinner there. Bert got flower slips from Mrs. Rennecker & Mamie; planted them out. Mrs. Rennecker came over this evening & got some from ours. George Lorberg’s have a baby girl born last week; getting along nicely. 3 girl 1 boy. Frank Kroll moved his furniture & family from Al. Monike’s place to upstairs in Manier’s place, couldn’t agree together. Dr. Isselhardt was in Hecker at his office in Kammler’s building, opened up again Wed. from 1 till 4 o clock, every week; Rev. Hosto hit a 80 yr. old man at Mascoutah & killed him, he was only driving 20 mi hr. the policeman saw it also, the man ran in front of his car.

Friday, June 7, 1935

Henry & papa went out horse trading today, Knabs & Belleville & Okawville; didn’t buy so far. The rest of the family stayed here, had dinner & lunch. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were also up this afternoon. Laurence Allard’s oldest son 13 yrs drowned in a pond while boat riding, was buried this morn, at Prairie Du Roch.

Saturday, Sept. 15, 1934

Papa went up to Wm. Fritsche to get some repairs done for the grass mower. There were 3 people from St. Louis Walsh’s & Mr. Ducan [? – illegible] the latter fixing a truck at the home of J. Kraft near Waterloo, they skidded hit a passing truck, & were all three killed, Mrs. Walsh was a Kraft. Raining again this morning & colder. Alice & Lucille are visiting at Mrs. Staufenbiel’s now, then they want to go to Joe Gregson’s. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, we all went out to Al. Cleveland’s to a party; had a most wonderful time, Oh! Boy, old time & modern musci [sic], furnished by Miss Miles & her band, & Uncle Fred; Papenberg & Parker; beer & cake were served, to people from far & near.

Sunday, July 8, 1934

Went to church, Catheral [sic] Belleville at 5:30 mass. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary had dinner with us, spring chicken. Loyd Pabst was here, said they were going to thresh tomorrow. There was a boy 14 yrs. old from Iowa, visiting Ed Rehling’s, was killed instantly, when riding on a byicicle [sic] coming out Rehlings road, onto the hard road, Shloemer Ford Motor man of Waterloo, was coming down the road, & hit him, & upset his car & was hurt somewhat. The Rehling’s were visiting relatives at Waterloo at the time it happened; the first accident on the new hard road. Turner Pinic [sic] in Smithon [sic] today. Mr. Herman Wolf of Red Bud is having a free dance at Oak Grove tonite, Moonlighters playing. We went, & what a crowd, had nice time. Eggs are 9¢, wheat 80¢.

Friday, July 6, 1934

It rained this morning. Meng’s couldn’t thresh, till this afternoon. We baked bread etc. Papa took the Whip to Probsts to get it fixed. The Waterloo paper has that Albert Niebruegge residing 7 miles from Valmeyer, was instantly killed when struck by lightining [sic], last Sat. at 5:30 & also rendered his farm hand unconscious for some time. He was carrying a hoe at the time & had just passed beneath a tree. George Hoffmann, who resides 3 miles east of Waterloo died last Wed. night, aged 61 yrs. illness of 2 weeks. Mrs. Richard Butler (nee Curran) of Burksville passed away last Thurs. June 28, after a long illness, aged 64 yrs; was buried at Waterloo, also funeral with Father Kuhl’s, Nonaghan & Traynor Eschmann, were Deacon & sub deacons; she leaves 7 children & husband Richard at home, & James, & Mrs. Ray Schmidt of Waterloo.

Wednesday, June 27, 1934

Rennecker & Agnes Gregson’s birthday; also 4 anniversary of Gambach Bros. death. Jos. Schilling is going to thresh this afternoon. Joe. Watchel’s machine starts to this afternoon, all getting about started, soon. The lightening struck one of Arm Geodelle’s wheat shocks yesterday, burned it all up. Marjorie Rausch is again home from the hospital. Rose & Bertille went to Waterloo took 8 bus. wheat along, got 79¢; bought 100 lbs. flour; soft wheat $3.05. stopped in at Henry’s, he is threshing by Reheis. They were at Uncle Pete’s last Sun. afternoon, Annie has a permanent wave, got it at Waterloo, also Jake’s wife. Henry got 50 barned Rock Chicks 3 weeks old from Monroe Hatchery, $7.00 a hundred. George Wagner came over awhile. We took our onions out today. Uncle Fred brought the mule home, then we took him home, stayed awhile, Ronnenberg came down there to telephone to Evansville, to tell Kissen’s that there boy is pretty sick, up here, he has it in his back, can’t hardly breathe sometimes.

Sunday, April 15, 1934

Raining all morning. Confirmation at Paderborn. Mrs. Steiger’s funeral at “Lords Corner.” 99 yr. old lady; she has grandchildren & great & great great grandchildren, she was making her home, with her daughter Mrs. Aug. Voges. Mr. Weigand is now home from the hospital. Mr. & Mrs. Fred Papenberg left by train yesterday morn. to Iowa, to attend the funeral of her brother; who was killed in a accident, they received telegram. No company today rain.

Tuesday, Jan. 9, 1934

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary, came here awhile, then we all went to Wilfried [sic] Eichenseer’s funeral, he was 16 will be 17 in June, his pallbearers were, Loraine & Ray Wittenauer, Lee Gregson, Paul Wittenauer, Joe & Paul Parker. It was an awful large funeral, nice flowers. Father made an awful nice sermon, the church was crowded, some standing. Henry & Albert Cleveland, stop in awhile. Bertille went to Lizzie Boll’s got the bread. Some men, around selling apples, we didn’t take none, ironed & patched.

Sunday, Jan. 7, 1934

We went to Red Bud, took Helfrichs along. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here for dinner, played pinochle, left about 2:30 went to see Wilfred Eichenseer, they was to bring him home about 2 o’clock. There was a bunch going to chivari Ed Neff last night, but on account of this accident they didn’t. We all went to Eichenseer’s this evening, stayed till 8:30, after the rosary was said; there were quite a few came in & out; some stayed. Angela [the deceased’s sister] takes it awful hard; not so bad on the rest of the family.