Sunday, March 21, 1937

Palm [Sunday]. We went to first mass. Mrs. Gennin of Red Bud died will be buried tomorrow morn. mass at Red Bud, remains to St. Peter & Paul’s cemetery at St. Louis. Chester Cowell’s mother in law. So many people dying of Red Bud parish; here lately. Henry & family came, we went along with them to Leo & Rosalia’s had dinner & supper there. Sure beautiful day, little warmer. Spring to begin today. Last Fri. nite when raining so hard was an auto accident at Parrots corner, Voges beer trucker driver of Red Bud was killed instantly & Grueber man with him had 2 legs broken & all bruised, truck was stoped [sic] on hard road, rained so heavy, stoped [sic] the truck & they had no lights.

Mr. & Mrs. Emil Schilling of St. Louis stopped in, going home from Geo. Schillings, see how we all were & left me 2 pictures of Omer, that he had taken when Martha got married; they are going to move in about 2 weeks are so, to Northton Ave; not far from Unioun [sic] Ave. he said.

Monday, April 13, 1936

We washed ironed. Pap & Henry hauling wood. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up, she went to Minnie’s & he worked garden. Mrs. Geo Freund, Joe & neighbor lady, came got the mare & colt, he lead the mare & colt, through town, & then rode it home through the prairie; Uncle helped him on hard road; paid $75 & balance a note. Pap & Henry went to Sam Mosio’s to Farm Bureau Meeting. A-A-A contract it is a new plan now again. Bert Thompson brought our 2 settings of duck eggs 70¢. Louis Geossling was here he is a agent selling door mats $1.25; he was hurt in the sewer project in Waterloo, rocks fell, & smashed his toes, pretty bad, dangerous.

Wednesday, Nov. 27, 1935

Cloudy & raining a little. Berti went up to church. Wedding mass of Clarence Braun & Verna Stiehl, she turned Catholic, single ring ceremony, bride wore dark blue, blouses & skirt, coat, & hat shoes; white crystahemums [sic], & bridesmaid Marie Braun wore the same only tan color; yellow flowers, Hugo Ray was best man; wedding dance at Kammler’s tonite, we went, had nice time; cake, Schmidts Orch.; of Herb & 2 sons, 2 Braun Wms. girls, & Edgar Wittenauer. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came bought 2 roasters here, 9 lbs. @ 15¢; cleaned & dressed them ready for tomorrow. Pap & Rose hauled bad old wheat to Waterloo got 91¢, lot is 96¢ today. Mr. & Mrs. Ed Brand of Alalabama [sic] visited us this afternoon, had supper here. Henry & family came this evening. Mamie came down then we went to the dance together. Bert Thompson was here to see Henry; so much company. Henry received a letter from Barrenphol’s lawyer on account of the colt business, he wants $25.00 if paid in short time. Oscar Birkner’s have a baby girl born yesterday evening, also Armin Geodelle’s have a baby girl. Otto Horn, suit agent at Waterloo, also Justice of peace 38 yrs. old was killed in an auto accident in town on Tues; Archie Wiehl was the one that had collision with him, on Fourth St. Libory  he was thrown out of car, & never regained conscience; both cars turned over, & completely wrecked; they say; it is terrible, had left his home about ½ hour before it happened; John Hieken was with Horn at the time, but not hurt bad.

Friday, Oct. 11, 1935

Henry came, had lunches & dinner here, finished up sewing wheat today. Leona is still sick, doctor says cold on kidneys. We spaded a piece in back yard; & this afternoon cleaned dining room, washed curtains. Bernice brought the mail; she also had a chain letter if we wanted to try it, making a quilt block, & when your name reaches the top, you will receive 125 blocks, we didn’t try it. Clara Wagner came paid for the lard 16 lbs @ 20¢. Mr & Mrs. Roy Pautler have a 10 lb. baby boy born at Red Bud hospital on Oct. 8, first born. Wm. Huebners have also a baby boy. Wilbur Grossman of Smithon [sic] & lady friend Irene Rayson had a head on collision last Sun. afternoon with Beckmann of Columbia on the Prairie du Rocher; injuries were treated at Red Bud hospital.

Wednesday, Jan. 9, 1935

We washed, quilt. Uncle Fred walked home, did some work, all day. Papa went to barber shop, also went to see Stehfest, about selling his hiefer [sic]. Osie Neff was here, said it was all right to cut the tree down, by his road, so I guess he will. Bertille finished at the dentist & paid him $18.00, Rose $8.00 & B [Bertille] $10.00, rather busy today. Rose got 3 pulled & 1 filled & Berti got 3 filled, of which, killed 2 nerves. A guy from Cairo going to Mo. hit Brun’s car last night, in front of Mrs. Ida Bruns house, Machines were wrecked, but are going to be repaired. Lester & Eugene Bruns in the car were cut about the face, & Chas. Wagner also was hurt in chest; Bruns had 2 wheels on hard road, & this other guy was drunk & found a wiskey [sic] bottle in his car; his car was injured; don’t know yet, who will stand charges. Our line has telephone meeting at Hill’s, Mr. Rennecker & papa went over; Elections of officers, still have the same ones. Clara Wagner & kids, came & then George also after the meeting, we played 5 hand pinochle. The Ladies Aid have quilting in the Evangical [sic] Church these days.

Saturday, Oct. 7, 1933

Papa sowed wheat, Rosalia got crushing done. Hy. Meng got our mule, & worked him. We went to Red Bud to Waterloo, got glass put in chev; seen where 2 cars, that smashed this morn, by Donahue’s on R. 3, one came from St. Louis, that was Connor’s from Prairie Du Rocher, he was out on an all nite party, & was sleeping they say went the accident happened, at 6 o clock this morn, the other car was going to E. St. Louis. 7 persons where injured, 6 broken legs & in Red Bud Hospital, the cars look asight, all smashaed, total wreck, Nobbe has the cars. There is an all nite dance at Oak Groves & 20 Wedding Anniversary dance at Brezzy Hill, Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Crook; musci [sic] by Moonlighters.

Tuesday, Sept. 27, 1932

We washed, ironed, patched, cooked a kettle of soap. Chris Buehlers was here a little while this morn, on his way down to Red Bud to get a load of hogs from butcher. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where up all afternoon. The egg man got 19 doz. eggs 19¢. He brought some molasses 3 gals. for 30¢ gal. by Cakokia [ed. note: think this might be Cahokia], from last year. The way talk is out Jack Ganley must look terrible 2 black eyes & all stracthed [sic – scratched] up, by Jack Mueth & Phil Mueth at his home Sat. night, sheriff was out at the house at 2 ‘oclock. Jack wears glasses now. This evening we all went out to Henry’s. Leona birthday 22 yrs. old, cake & water where served, the guests were, Gus. Geodelle & family, Albert Cleveland & family, Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary & us.

Friday, June 10, 1932

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came this afternoon, he & Henry Meng helped papa make hay. They where here for lunch, supper. There was an airplane came from the north & flew around Hecker, made 4 circles, then went backa gain, haven’t heard who it was yet. Seen in the paper Matt Crowe, insurance agent while trying to crank the car broke his arm. Mrs. Benedict of Red Bud also broke her left arm, she broke the right one not long ago, she fell again.

Tuesday, April 26, 1932

The paper says last nite that there was teribble [sic] tornado in Memphis Tennessee. 8 killed, 5 injured so far. Papa went out to get a load of wood but it was to soft, he got stuck, he stopped at Henry’s awhile. Rosalia & Bertille went out to Uncle Freds this afternoon & helped clean house, had lunch there. They varnished the middle room floor, got the big room all fixed up already. Fredrick Fristche was here & wanted 2 settings of eggs, but we didn’t have it on hand, so he is coming tomorrow evening.

Tuesday, Nov. 10, 1931

Mr. Harbaught the mineral feed man was here. Aunt Mary got the mail today. Mr. Laut looked at our pond. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary, Ettling, Henry, Wm. Ganley where digging the pond, they where here for dinner. They worked about 6 hrs, because it rained this afternoon. Ed Meng, H. M. Hill where here & looked at it. There was a lady here, bought 5 lb. sprs. 19¢ lb. Henry lost a heifer. Hon. Fred Kern passed away Mon. morning 4:30, got a parlyitic [sic] stroke. he was Editor of the Belleville News Democrat. Osie Neff & John Meuth had a most terrible accident today, they where crossing a bridge by Frisch korns [?] in Lord’s Corner, with a engine, when the bridge broke, the engine is still in the creek yet. Osie was scaled pretty bad on his leg, the skin was all of & his chest, John Meuth has a hole through his hand & has it in a sling. Osie say’s if it wouldn’t of been that Johny was there he, would still be lieying [sic] there. Gus. Klotz is sick in bed next thing to appendix. He has it in his side. Dr. Schmidt wife of Red Bud was buried this afternoon, she had pneumonia.