Monday, Oct. 2, 1939

Bert [Bertille] washed, ironed, patched. Pap went to Waterloo took radio in to Bersche’s got 1 new tube put in, its better, but doesn’t work right; he went out on business trip this afternoon. Mr. Edler came on business for Uncle Fred. Arch Bischoff [sic – Bishop] Cardinal Mudenlin [sic – Mundelein] was found dead in bed this morn. at 7:30. Some people here selling apples 65 [cents] bu. come from Muryphsboro. Warmer today.

Sunday, October 1, 1939

Went to mass. Leo & family came. Leo went to church here, then we went out to Uncle Freds for dinner & supper. Mrs. Armstutz & Fred & his wife came out to. Josie Keller’s brother Fred were here, stopped in had supper here; has a new Oldsmobile, sedan; was a demenostrater [sic?]. Bill [Klein] came Bert [Bertille] went out with plymouth this eve. Our radio isn’t working.

Thursday, Sept. 28, 1939

Bert [Bertille] baked pie. Pap dug all our sweet potatoes, 3 bus. Bert went out to Brand’s this afternoon. Fr. Simon is going around solicting [sic] for Belleville St. Henry’s College, to build some post to it, never came here. Mrs. Joe Schilling is pretty low. St. Everdine is home & all children there, doctor gave up all hopes. Lee Gregson & Vera Schmitz were married at Renault mass this morn; her brother groomsman & Mildren Rist bridesmaid, Lester Chaffeaur, dealers car going to go to Alba. tomorrow. Dan Schmidt of Waterloo & Regina Schoenborn of Belleville were married yesterday afternoon at St. Marys Rectory of Belleville.

Sunday, Sept. 17, 1939

Went to mass. Leo & family came this afternoon him & pap went down by Feruers. Bill [Klein] came fixed Whip. put in new axle, had supper here. Went to Floraville Home Coming. Sure had crowd, sold out on chickens & almost everything had dance in hall in eve. musci [sic] by Ebels Merry Markers & German Band.

Saturday, Sept. 16, 1939

We treated wheat with copper goob [? – unclear] for insects & worms; going to whole it awhile longer. We had flat tire on Chev. nail in it this morn. Bill [Klein] came this afternoon he fixed it. also going to fix Whip. broke axle on it, by turning around yesterday. Went to Waterloo to church, & went to Tom Crowe’s place was sold, Morrison lawyer sold it at the place. Sold the part with house first, Phil Mueth bought it for $5,000. then sold 16 acres out to hard road & Phil Mueth bought it for $1200. so place stands him $6,200.00; bidders Frank Crowe. Rained heavy this eve. & much colder in evenings. Manier had to close his saloon, his brother in law Berring forced him to move out, took his furniture to Griffins for now.

Sunday, Sept. 10, 1939

Went to mass. The Hecker Evangical [sic] church & congregation celebrating the 50th Ann. today, with service 3 times & dinner & supper. everybody welcome. Smithton have firemen pinic [sic] today. Clem Schlotmann have baby; make 2 in the family now. Pap went over to Emil’s this afternoon. Leo Gregson & Vera Schmidt were published 1st time this morn. here. Bill [Klein] came got Bert [Bertille] went to Smithton, Firemen’s pinic [sic], Bill had to take tickets at door; from 7 till 9; nice crowd for dance.

Thursday, Sept. 7, 1939

Bill [Klein] came got Bert [Bertille] & Leo & Rose [Rosalia] & Mr. Orlet all went to Belleville St. Marys Church, wedding of Isd. & Phyliss Bugger; bride wore white lace long train & veil & her attendant light pink, nose veil, marched down middle isle & groom & best man from side door, was pretty, attended by friends; had nothing going to go for honeymoon to Chicago. Went to Orlets this eve. took Marita up & brought her along home again. So hot today 92 at 12 ‘o clock; all most as hot as it was all summer.

Sunday, Sept. 3, 1939

Cloudy this morn; hot in afternoon. Went to mass. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stopped awhile. Bert [Bertille] went up to Mamies, gave her butter dish, shakers & cream pitcher & sugar bowl, for shower present, has all pretty presents. Leo & family & Bill [Klein] were here for dinner. Went to Waterloo to see parade. Then went to Smithton, Bill had to open at 2 o’clock, Favre went to Grange to pinic [sic], had to work there.

Sunday, Aug. 27, 1939

Went to mass. Leo & family came had dinner here. Columbia has HomeComing today; German Band playing this afternoon & parade at 1 o clock. Bill [Klein] got Bert [Bertille], he has to stay at Favres this afternoon, or till he come home.

Sunday, Aug. 20, 1939

Went to mass. Martin Fahey was buried last day, he was in church on holiday 15. died suddenly. Mr. Geo Braun, of Hecker is getting buried this afternoon at Red Bud 1:30. Orville Schmidt & Lorreta Braun were published last time today, wedding Wed. morn. here at 9 o clock mass; Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary, Henrys family & Gregsons are all invited with special cards, of invitation to Log Cabin Wed eve. that is also Uncle Freds wedding day. Mr Clem Parker & Mamie Eichenseer were published 1st time here morn. Bill [Klein] & Bert [Bertille] went down Miss. bottoms this afternooon. Rained again little shower. Freeburg have Homecoming.