Nice day. 51 [degrees] again. Went to Waterloo to funeral of Clara Mueth 44 yrs. old; left Waterloo 9 o clock to Hecker church cemetery, wasn’t very large funeral. The Pallbearers were Ben Schilling, Levi Ganley, Simon Havey, Joe Brauch’s boy & Annis & Teve’s [names unclear] boy friends. Mrs. Manier is getting buried over in St. Louis this morn also at 8:30, she had rabbit fever, took her over to hospital were then she died, so they just left her over, buried her there anyway; was sick quite awhile. Geo. Wagner got 1/2 doz. eggs. @ 20 [cents]. Mcarthy’s – Helen & Gerald are giving a free dance at Oak Grove tonite.
Wednesday, April 27, 1938
Windy, not as hot. Bert [Bertille] sewed lettuce etc. Baked cream pie. Euchre & card party at Paderborn tonite; Bert [Bertille] went got dish, playing bluey had 2 games; Hy Kettler played for dance, not very much, no crowd. Elmer Parker, & Vincent Klein, have a birthday dance at Kammler’s tonight; Jake Schoenborn played Adm. 25 [cents] pretty good crowd. Rained a little this eve. Awful dust storm this afternoon. Mr. & Mrs. Perry May were here this eve; till 11:30. The Wedding that was here at Hecker, by Fr. Aydt last Tues morn, was Walter Kunkel & Brauch girl. Joe daughter, both of Tipton, never were published, are anything, May said that. Harry Wittenauer was here this afternoon; on business.
Saturday, Nov. 18, 1933
Mrs. James Ganley is getting buried, be at Hecker 9 o clock, Catholic church. We went out to the house, Rosalia & Bertie prayed the rosary. The funeral was rather large, had nice bouquet of flowers. Nefphews [sic] acted as pall bearers; were, Willie & Philip Frend, Willie & Jonny Ganley, & Jimmie Brauch. Fr. H. H. Aydt had a very nice sermon. She was the first to be traveled on hard roads, first funeral & her sister Mrs. Brauch, she was the first one on hard road from Waterloo out to cemetery, the people had to walk out, couldn’t drive on it yet at that time. Mr. Jake Mauer of Red Bud age 72 died with a stroke last Mon. evening was buried Thurs. morn. at Red Bud. Uncle Fred is 59 yrs. old. We went out this evening, quite a crowd, Christ Buehler family, Henry Birkners family, Henry Brand family, Ignatz Neff & family, Adam Eckerts family, Willie Birkner’s family, Frank Birkner family, Oscar Birkners family. Cake, & lemonade where served. Pinochle & lotto were played; attendance prize was a plate, Mrs. Christ Buehler, received it, prizes were given to the highest lotto players; crowd left 11 o clock.
Thursday, March 31, 1932
Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stayed in Hecker all night last, & part today. She went to church this morning high mass, Fr. Jubillee 20th. there where 3 strange priests. Adam Braun & Melching where here electioneering him & Joe Brauch running for road commissioner. Papa went out to help Henry sow oats, there for dinner. We made quite a lot of garden, but is rather cold, eggs are still 9¢. The School children are having a free play tonite, all free. We had lettuce for supper, it is good.
Monday, Feb. 8, 1932
We went to Mrs. John Ganley’s funeral this morning, it was rather large, the pallbearers where 6 nephews, Joe & Philip Brauch, Bill & Philip Freund, Gregory & Levi Ganley. The priest has a free dance in the school hall tonite only for the Catholics, Protestants are not wanted he said “in Church. We went out to Uncle Fred’s awhile this eve, listened in on the radio.
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