Tuesday, April 28, 1931

We washed, ironed.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this morning to work their potatoes & garden.  They where here for dinner, lunch, & supper.  Papa got some papers from Arch Whiel for the Braun’s business, what there stock & things where praised at, & there Liabelities [sic].  Henry Hintze came here this evening & got 1 from each.  Henry Armstutz was here & wanted a mixing box, but we didn’t have any.  Henry & family where all up this evening.  Uncle Fred & Papa went down to Henry & Charles Hepp to see if Henry could get some leghorns eggs from him, he can get them by Thurs. night so Henry is going to take 200 eggs.  They are Brown Leghorns.  We went to Mrs. Eckerts this eve. but she wasn’t at home.

Friday, April 24, 1931

We all went out to Henry’s this afternoon.  Papa & Henry started building the milk house.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here but there was nobody at home.  They came back again this evening a little while before they went to Elmer Parker’s birthday dance, we where not invited, Mrs. Blackburn told them to come.  Bertille got the mail today.  In the Waterloo Times it was that Jac. Schaefers have a little baby girl.  The Misses Rose & Alice Harbough went to Mc’ellester Oklomoa [McAlester, Oklahoma] to visit there sister Elenora.  Ed Meng sold his 85 acre farm on Richland Creek last Sat.  Henry Kleber of Floraville was the buyer, at about $40. an acre.  The Hecker bank was appraised last Sat. morning, the lot & building at $1200, & fixtures $650, Albert Gardner, Emil Hartman, H.M. Hill where the appraisers.  There was Central Examination held last Sat. in Hecker Public School by Mr. McCarthy & various schools in Prairie Du Long the teachers present where, Miss Gladys Hull, Miss Hilda Wihelms.  Last Friday Mrs. Dan Mendel the barbers wife was taken to E. St. Louis to the hospital for treatment.  The John McCarthy farm was sold at Master’s sale last Sat.  Dr. N.B. Pautler Dr. for $2500.  We had lunch out at Henry’s today.

Thursday, April 9, 1931

Uncle Adam bought a horse yesterday.  Papa & Rosalia is stretching wire this morn.  Miss Kate McDermott was here to see Papa.  She came up with the bus & then went back on it again.  She also came to see Jac. Neff’s.  Leona called up & said, that her mom, called out & said that Mrs. Geodelle her grandma die last night, & will be buried Sat. afternoon.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this afternoon, they lawned there grass on their place, & planted out flowers.  It started to rain this evening.  Eggs are 15¢ today.  Wm. Harbaugh got his land, stock, & everything praised [appraised] like the Brauns did too.  Aunt Mary & Bertille were over an looked at Mrs. Rheinecker’s garden she gave me some flowers, Catsus [catcus].

Saturday, April 4, 1931

Papa got crushing done this morn.  Rosalia went to church.  Henry Braun & Willie Braun are getting there land & etc. praised [appraised] today.  Uncle Pete is one of the praisers [appraisers].  Henry & family came up this afternoon, the kids stayed here & they went to church.  The Easter Rabbit laid each of the boy’s a egg.  Benny Schilling has a new Chev. coach, got it from Red Bud.  Odillo Eichenseer got a new Chev. roadster with Rumble seat this afternoon at Red Bud.  There was a man here today trying to sell flowers.