Went to mass. Collection for high school fund today. Went to Waterloo homecoming seen parade; pinic [sic] in new city park no shade trees there so hot; free dancing in afternoon, music by Dream Time Trio; had amateur hr; concert by Collinsville Drum Corps & also Waterloo band; so cool this eve. Bert [Bertille] came home with Leo & Rose, stayed awhile in eve; came home 10 o clock.
Tuesday, Nov. 7, 1933
It is awful cold this morn. Rosalia is making mitts. Today is election. Euchre in Red Bud tonite. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came & we all went to the euchre, Adm. 35¢. Rosalia had 12 points got first prize, a table cloth. Aunt Mary had 10, & got table cloth, the rest were unlucky. Aunt Mary got attendance prize a turkey & she sold it to Schmidt, for $1.00 Miss Leona Vogt won the quilt that was raffled. It was a large crowd. Collinsville men here, wanted railroad ties.
Friday, Aug. 25, 1933
We marked all our chickens; canned 2 qts tomatoes & cooked catsup. Henry & boys where up, this morn; Albert Gregson died on Aug. 19 & was buried 23; that is Russell father, was at church at Round Prairie, & buried there also. The logs men from Collinsville was here trying to buy logs 1½ ft.
Monday, June 26, 1933
We washed, ironed. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came & rode along with us to a sale. Shields by Burksville, everything went cheap, implements all $45.00; cows $5 a piece, horses $303 & 3 mules $30; we went through Red Bud home & brought 100 lbs. flour along from F. Buehler. Bertille took the eggs up 9¢ today. Mr. & Mrs. Joe Schilling & Odillo just came back from there trip to Indiana, Odil says everything is so nice there. Frances took the habit on Sun, her name is Sister Edmundina; he seen S. Eith & Achatia, & several others that he knew, 814 miles trip; they left Indiana at quarter after 9, & got to Hecker about quarter to 9. Maniers slot machines got stolen Sat. night, money & all. It was in the paper the surprise marriage of Lela Deucker to Cyrus Holcomb of Freeburg, where wed at Collinsville in the Lutheran church, on May 21, Miss Ethel Dueker & friend where best.
Wednesday, April 27, 1932
It is white frost & pretty cold this morning. We cooked a kettle of soap this morning. The people from Collinsville that wanted to buy timber stopped in again, papa went along to the woods with them, but didn’t sell anything. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary worked around there place up here, cut lawn & such like. The Hecker baseball club, All Stars are giving a dance in Fred Weber’s barn tonite, Rheinharts playing. Fredrick Fristche was here & got 2 settings eggs 35¢. Ray Schmidt the tinner of Waterloo was around advertising stoves. In the evening paper, it say Chas. Dalkert, editor & publisher of the Waterloo Times died & will be buried Fri afternoon, he was 68 yrs. old, suffering from an heart attack. The sons will keep up the business as usual. Mrs. Friewelier, Anna Faust mother died & will be buried Thurs. afternoon at Waterloo. Henry & family & Ralph Collier where here this evening.
Monday, April 25, 1932
We washed, ironed today. Papa went out to help Henry finish stretching wire. A man from Collinsville was here & wanted to buy timber. The egg man got 12 doz. eggs for 9¢ today. Mrs. Rennecker & Mrs. Bill Gregson was here Mrs. Gregson orders 4 doz. eggs for setting 14¢ – 56¢. It rained this evening & turned colder. Papa had dinner out at Henry’s.
Saturday, Jan. 24, 1931
Papa got crushing done this morn. It is such a nice day too, it is warm for being Jan. Willie Ganley’s children got the measles. Paul Pour has them too. Gilbert Birkner was sent home from school the other day, he had fever. Henry was here this morning, he brought some oats up too the preist’s from Peter Reheis. There was a man from Collinsville here this morning. He wants to buy timber. Papa went up town this afternoon. Walter Weber’s of E. St. Louis have a little baby girl. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary was here this afternoon. They came up to file in their claim in the Hecker Bank. Frank Birkner’s have a little baby boy since yesterday afternoon. They are going to christened it Sun. afternoon, Roland.
Tuesday, Jan, 13, 1931
Bertille was at church this morning. Papa was up town this morning. This afternoon him & Rosalia went out in the woods. Henry went too. There were 2 fellows here this afternoon from Collinsville & wanted to buy timber. But Papa wasn’t here, so if he is interested he should send them a letter. Rosalia made herself a apron today.
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