Sunday, June 21, 1931

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here for pie lunch this morn.  After mass this morn – the chances were raffled from the Pinic [sic], Tom Havey won the stove, Mrs. Hy S. Braun won the tea set, Lester Miller won a quilt, Uncle Joe won something too.  There was 5 articles raffled out.  This afternoon we all went out to Henry’s, he was up for church this morn – then went home & started cutting wheat again, Gus Geodell’s was out too, he was sitting on the binder.  We helped to bake dewberry pie.  Then it started in a raining & we went home.  George Wagners have lots of company today, it is Charles Birthday he is 4 yrs. old.  The Merhmans, Fritsche’s, Ettlings, Kammlers where all there.  It is a real lawn party.

Sunday, Sept. 14, 1930

We all went to first mass this morning at 8 o’clock Leona and her two girl friends, Miss Ida Whitkamp, & Miss Lena Koopman.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stayed for lunch.  Second mass is from now until 10:15.  Henry came up for that.  He helped to move the piano from church over to the new school hall.  Next Sun. night will be the first moving picture shown in the hall.  Steve Rennecker was over a little while this evening.  It rain this afternoon from about 3 until 5:30, showers, it sure was nice & we need it too.  Robert Laut couldn’t get his machine started so Perry Klotz pulled him down the hard road a piece until it started.  George Wagner’s were up at Floraville last night.  Jake Mehrmans had a dance, it also was Bernice Mehrmans birthday.  Dan Geodell furnished mass.

Thursday, February 27, 1930

Bertille was at church this morning.  There is to be quilting at Mrs. Eckert’s this afternoon.  Mr. Mehrman got stuck in George Wagner’s road and he had to get Vic Eichenseer to pull him out with their truck.  He had to serve as jury man in Belleville.  Joe Mueth in the prairie have a little son, they got him christened yesterday.  I don’t know what they named it.  Bertille took 3 dozen eggs to Eichenseer’s & got .21¢ a dozen.  Henry came up this evening and brought his calfs up.  He came down here a little while.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came down here a little while before they went to Euchre.  Aunt Mary, Uncle Fred, Papa, Rosalia, & Bertille went to the Euchre and Old Time Dance in Kammler’s hall tonight.  The Herzog’s boy and girl played with both accordions.  Uncle Fred got a broom for a prize & Aunt Mary got a dish pan.  None of us got anything.  Bertille had 5 punches, Papa 4, and Rosalia 3.  The sixes took all the prizes.  They also had a slipper dance.  The ladies had to take their shoe off and throw them in a box and the boys had slips.  They had to pick one shoe and find the partner to that, then dance with that girl.  They had a square, broom, polka, barn dance and also some of the latest steps and tunes.  Uncle Fred played some of the old timers (tunes).  Found 23 eggs.