Sunday, Sept. 14, 1930

We all went to first mass this morning at 8 o’clock Leona and her two girl friends, Miss Ida Whitkamp, & Miss Lena Koopman.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stayed for lunch.  Second mass is from now until 10:15.  Henry came up for that.  He helped to move the piano from church over to the new school hall.  Next Sun. night will be the first moving picture shown in the hall.  Steve Rennecker was over a little while this evening.  It rain this afternoon from about 3 until 5:30, showers, it sure was nice & we need it too.  Robert Laut couldn’t get his machine started so Perry Klotz pulled him down the hard road a piece until it started.  George Wagner’s were up at Floraville last night.  Jake Mehrmans had a dance, it also was Bernice Mehrmans birthday.  Dan Geodell furnished mass.