Uncle went home. We all went to Belleville got new dresses $2.88. Papa isn’t feeling well. Bought beef for summer sausage 12½¢ lb; 21 lbs; baked pumpkin pies tonight.
Wednesday, Aug. 29, 1934
Henry & family came, papa went along with him to Walter Millers sale by Smithon [sic]; the rest stayed here, had dinner, brought one of her dresses along to remodel. Henry came home about 1 o clock. Papa came with Uncle Fred’s. Aunt Mary & Berti went over to Mrs. Staufenbiel, she took dress goods along, for her to make; Uncle went to see Armstutz’s, they had supper & watermelon here. The sale was such a crowd, like pinic [sic], had musci [sic], fellow selling medicine there. Otto Horn, was here, & Monroe Feurer to see Papa; Feurer wants to count hogs.
Wednesday, March 21, 1934
Armin Geodelle was here, looked at our pigs & is going to take 4. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came this afternoon, Uncle Fred stayed here, the rest of us went to Bellville [sic], bought new dresses $5.85 + $2.98 they had supper here, then we all went to Red Bud, went to Dr. Paulter first, then to church, & Buehler’s. Today was last day for old license.
Wednesday, March 30, 1932
Papa went out to Henry’s to help him again today, there for dinner. It started to rain this morning, but after the sun came out nice. Osie Matzenbacher & Rosie Meuth are being married today. It rained again nearly all afternoon got colder towards night. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, then we all went to the Wedding dance at Oak Grove, this eve. had a good time. Elmer Matzenbacher & Mamie Mueth where best, but Emil Goedelle danced the waltz with Mamie, because Elmer couldn’t. Rosie was dressed with a pale blue or greenish like lace dress with blue velvet coat, short one. gold band around the head, & black pumps. Mamie had light blue crepe, with ruffles & black slippers, it was pretty. The Hickory Hollow Billies furnished the musci [sic]. [They] got married in the parsonage of Evangical [sic] church. He 24 & she 19. She got quite a few presents. Henry & Leona left the kids here this eve, then went down to Red Bud to the dentist, she had a bad toothache from the one he pulled out for her last time.
Saturday, Nov. 7, 1931
Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up then we went to Belleville & got new dresses 79¢. Mrs. Staunfbiel was here to see Uncle Fred. Papa was up town this morn. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this eve. from there. Rosalia & Bertille went along down to the brick house to a dance, there wasn’t many there so stayed in the machine & then afterwards went home. Wally Henson’s & his cotton pickers furnished musci [sic].
Monday, Nov. 3, 1930
We all went to church this morning, for all 3 masses. We washed today. Papa went up into the woods. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up after dinner they wanted to take Rosalia along & then they wanted to get new dresses. So she went along, they went to Red Bud first & then to Waterloo. There was a lady here this afternoon & wanted to buy eggs, but she didn’t want to pay .30¢ a doz. So I didn’t sell her none. Eggs are .29¢ here today. Rosalia brought some dress goods along for .19¢ a yard.
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