Wednesday, Nov. 14, 1934

Uncle Fred came brought Aunt Mary up for the Ladies Convention to be held at the School Hall, with dinner 50¢ a plate & program this afternoon. Uncle Fred & papa went out to Henry’s sawed wood this afternoon. Rose & Berti went to the Dentist, Rose got 1 pulled & 1 filled Berti got 1 filled. Richert of Dupo was here this morning, engaged 2  hogs for 2 weeks & bought 2 pigs from Henry $2.00 a p. [a piece]. Mr. Edgar Wittenauer & Miss Alsace Eckert are giving a free birthday dance in Kammlers Hall tonite; rang over lines, everybody invited. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary had supper here, there were so many ladies at the hall today, over 200, for dinner was served, chicken, dressing, peas, turnips, mashed potatoes, cake, cranberries on lettuce & ice cream, ice water & coffee; a big day was had; a quilt was raffled to a Lenzburg lady. We all went to the dance, nice crowd, Koehler’s Orch, in which Edgar plays drums. Rather cold again, froze ice last few nights.

Saturday, June 9, 1934

Papa & Rosalia went out to look for dew berry, but there is none this year. It rained a little & wind. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up, we all went to the free dance at Donahue’s given by Texas Oil Co; Keohlers Orch. playing musci [sic], & a crowd.

Saturday, June 2, 1934

Papa got crushing done. We went to Belleville this afternoon, got white shoes; coming home by Lipperts our car started in to knock, connecting rod burned out I guess. Hugo Probst pulled us home, to the shed, he is going to get the car Mon. & repair it. Leona brought the boy’s up to stay with papa, we went along with them to Donahue’s free anniversary dance, Keohler’s Orchestra, large crowd, Oak Grove wasn’t much, few cars, popeye didn’t come, they said, Blossom City Boys played. It rained a little & wind. In north St. Louis, it stormed, 7,000 bales cotton was destroyed through fire. In Minnesota, were it was so dry, they had snow several inches.

Saturday, Oct. 14, 1933

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where up, had chicken soup dinner with us, cleaned the garden & things. All nite dance at Breezy, Koehlers Ors. $4 attendance prize, tonite, 5 wedding ann. Oak Grove.

Monday, Sept. 4, 1933

Labor Day. Rosalia’s 22 yr. birthday. It is little cloudy. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came & we went to Red Bud, seen the parade there, then went to Tipton pinic [sic], had supper, stayed for the dance. Koehler’s Ors. furnished music for afternoon & eve, the Waterloo band came there & played from Red Bud, all on bus, they got 100 glass beer, then went to Valemeyer, got the rest there. Chas. Jung treated them to ball. beer. Pretty large crowd present; at the pinic [sic].

Sunday, Aug. 20, 1933

We went to Red Bud. The Evangicals [sic] have pinic [sic] & dance this eve, in Maniers Park. We went up to the pinic [sic] after supper, went to the dance; Koehler’s Orchestra. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where all afternoon. A lady stopped & got 3 doz. eggs 13¢. The St. Louis bunch, was out that is Jake & Irvin & there friends & there was another crazy bunch there, they wouldn’t let them on the dance floor. Adm. 25¢. The quilt was won by St. Louis party.

Saturday, July 22, 1933

Papa & Rosalia brought the boys out & took Bertille along to Waterloo to church. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here awhile, then went to Nic Schaefers, Mrs. birthday had a party. Harry Kammler has a dance to, music by Koehler’s Orch.