Wednesday, Aug. 9, 1933

Papa took Rosalia as far as the hills & Henry met her there. Canned 2 qts greengages. Papa & Rob culling manure. Mr. Leo Wittenauer & Miss Katherine Daley of St. Louis where married there last Wed. Aug. 2. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up, she brought some more greengages, so now we have 13 qts; they where here for lunch. Papa went down to Geo. Lorberg’s sale with Osie Neff; he sold dairy cows, 3 of them, higest [sic] $55 the rest where bought back, & Bruns bought engine, Hinkel crusher & belt; it was a very large crowd, papa said. Mr. Ed Schinder was here, started cutting the hay for second time. Aunt Mary helped to cut Roberts shirt out, & sewed it.

Friday, August 21, 1931

Today is nice once for a change.  Leona & the kids, came up to get greengages, she cut our hair.  Hy. Armstutz was here awhile.  Anton Buehler from DeKalb & also his family where here, he just stopped in to say Hello! they are coming back again to make a longer stay.  Osie Neff was here, he wants to buy land.  There was a man in town today begging for money, he lost both of his legs in the coal mine, he is walking round on clutches.  Papa went out to the farm this afternoon.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary brought some more greengages along up for Henry’s & Kammler’s this afternoon.

Thursday, August 20, 1931

We cut in 2 gals. kraut.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary was up this afternoon, her & Rosalia went down to Dr. Eckert’s & each took 1 peck of peaches for 15¢ a peck.  There where some people strangers from St. Louis, stopped in & wanted to buy chickens, we sold them 17 lbs. spring for 20¢ lb.  Aunt Mary sold them 2 gals, greengages 10¢ gal.  She gave George Wagner’s a basket full.  Papa got crushing done this morn.