Monday, July 11, 1938

Bert [Bertille] went to Leo’s washed & cut in kraut, 49 gals. Emil came over awhile, hottest day so far 102 [degrees]. Pap dug 1 bu. potatoes.

Tuesday, Aug. 24, 1937

Cut in 7 qts kraut. Uncle Fred came, Bert [Bertille] went along to Waterloo, with him. Washed ironed this afternoon; cut tomatoes 1 bu. for catsup. Pap dug all our potatoes. Circus at Waterloo today & nite. Walter Pour was here wanted peaches; didn’t have none right now. Pap went down to see Louis Armstutz about lime dust. Eggs 18½ ¢ now.

Thursday, August 20, 1931

We cut in 2 gals. kraut.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary was up this afternoon, her & Rosalia went down to Dr. Eckert’s & each took 1 peck of peaches for 15¢ a peck.  There where some people strangers from St. Louis, stopped in & wanted to buy chickens, we sold them 17 lbs. spring for 20¢ lb.  Aunt Mary sold them 2 gals, greengages 10¢ gal.  She gave George Wagner’s a basket full.  Papa got crushing done this morn.