Thursday, June 28, 1934

Jos. Schilling pull his threshing outfit up to Ed Kreher’s today, & Oscar Klotz to Louis Voges. Osie Neff drives the engine what Phil Braun had last year; he isn’t going out. Jack Mueth runs it for Schilling’s run. Pete Kreher’s boy from St. Louis, is working for G. Schilling, driving bundle wagon. It is awful hot weather these day, yesterday 100 in shade. Mr. & Mrs. S. Hellmer wedding anniversary, also Arthur Meohrs. The paper says the new wheat in Monroe & St. Clair Cos, will be 80¢ bus. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, went to Red Bud, got flour, brought papa pair tennis shoes along $1. Henry & family came this evening, got the mule, his horse gave out threshing today, at Pete Reheis, just fell down, is blooted [sic], they say. Eggs 11¢.

Wednesday, June 28, 1933

Today is the big Weddings of Arthur Moehrs & Isabel Kalmer at Tiptown; & dance at Oak Grove, & Sylvester Hellmer, Mamie Mueth at Waterloo, dance at Brezzy Hill. We went out to Uncle Fred’s helped make hay, had lunch, dinner. It sure was cloudy in all corners, but still no rain, out at Schillings it rained, they couldn’t thresh from 3 o’clock on. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came & we went to Brezzy Hill, stop in at Henry’s. Mamie didn’t get so very many presents at the hall; 4 in all, that we seen; the crowd was just about right, she wore white hat with little veil on it & dress, hose & shoes, flower pink, long sleeves, all satin; & the bridesmaid Aurelia Hellmer wore light green with white hat, & white bow, & slippers, the groomman [sic] Jerome Schilling & groom wore dark suits, Schillings Moonlighters furnished musci [sic], we had fish lunch & sodas then went to Oak Grove, stoped [sic] in on our way home, but boy! was there a crowd there it was awful there, everybody played musci [sic] Keohler’s Orchestra; the bride wore all white, with long veil; double bridesmaids, brothers & sisters from both sides; one wore pink & blue with slippers to match; they played “Home Sweet Home” we left, got home 1:30. We gave Mamie a pair pillow cases.