Saturday, April 14, 1934

We cooked kettle soap. Papa went out too Uncle Fred also to Waterloo on business. The baseball club is giving a dance in Waterloo barn tonight, All Buchon’s band. Mr. Marshall Hill of Smithon [sic] have a little baby girl born, at the hospital at 3 o’clock this morning. Papa had dinner out at Uncle Freds. Robert Laut was here, wanted pap to vote for him, school election today, he is running for director. Clarence Wittenauer came to see papa about ball grounds, wether [sic] it was rented or not. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, made garden up here. Ted Eichenseer came down electioneering, him & Lester Gregson are running for town clerk to be next Tues. Robert Laut 30 votes won for school director, Wm Weigand 10 votes was running against him. Thresher boss meeting at Belleville this afternoon. Planted potatoes, at the Irish road.

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