This morning our cistern is full again. Papa went up town this morn. We dug a bucket full of straw potatoes, & planted some more pickle seed, & turnip seed. Papa & Rosalia fixed fenced this afternoon. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where up again this afternoon. We all had lunch there. We helped her scrubb [sic] the porch & rooms. I seen in the paper today that Clarence Rittinhouse 26 & Arthur Meuth had a serious accident last Sat. night at 10 o clock. On the Belleville bridge right south edge of town, he met a car & the lights blinded him & he side swiped a third car coming, & his machine ran of the pavement & down the bankment of, the down in there, the machine caught fire & Rettinghouse was burnt arms & legs, he still in the hospital & the ambulance was called to take Mueth to the hospital, but he was discharged after treatment. Rettinghouse & Zollmer the car which was damaged they will settle it between themselves.
Tuesday, July 21, 1931
Filed Under: 1931, July Tagged With: Anton, Aunt Mary, Belleville, burning, car_accident, cistern, fire, hospital, injury, Meuth, Mueth, newspaper, pickle_seed, Rettinghouse, Rittinhouse, Rosalia, settlement, turnip_seed, Uncle Fred, Zollmer, Zollner
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