Friday, April 22, 1938

Harry Wittenauer came to see pap. Henry came they went to meeting at Kammler’s, guys there figureing [sic] out your farms, to what crops you can put out. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came, got horse & him & pap, plowed, his patch for him. We set out 26 cabbage plants in truck patch. Seen in paper transfer of John Kammler’s in town here to Marie Wagner. Dorothy Geogelion of New Athens was buried the other day, she used to work at Vera’s Tavern, was Alf. Eckerts, girl friend; was roller skating & hurt. Emil & girls are having tombstone [of Uncle Adam’s], at cemetery fixed, same stone for both, old one turned & writing put on for U. [Uncle] Adam also.

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