Friday, Aug. 24, 1934

Papa & Rose put roofing on the barn, nice cool this morn. Pierre Laut is sick, tonsil’s, has 104 fever. A man here wanted to see Uncle Fred, wanted a drill; but it is already sold. Peaches at Waterloo are selling at $1.65 -75 a bu. by Al. Heyl’s; all $2. & 35 around here. Mr. James Crowe son of the late police men[,] James Crowe, was married Tues. morning to Miss Flora Wielbacher of Columbia, & at that parish, he was formerly of Waterloo, but now of Columbia were he is employed as mechanic there in garage. The New Athens & Hecker hard road route, 156 is now opened. Miss Mildred Rist 15 yr. old daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Joh Rist was operated for appendix; last Friday in Red Bud Hospital. Miss Elva Knapp, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Henry Knapp was honored with a shower, given by & Misses Edna & Lavina Geodelle, she will become the bride to Mr. Harold Kloft of East St. Louis, the marriage to take place early in Sept. Last Mon. morning Bill Donahue of Midway Inn on Route 3, was awakened by a barking dog, on investigating found that his 25 half grown turkeys had disappeared, from there roosting place, he found 19 doped [sic – dropped] in a cornfield nearby.

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