Papa took the mower out to Henry’s & got the frame wagon. Mr. Bershing was here & wanted to sell watermellons [sic], from 5¢ up to 25¢ real nice ones. Papa & Rosalia are putting up alfalfa hay this afternoon. In Ruma there was a cyclone yesterday evening, but we never heard if it did much damage. Lightening struck Tom Havey [? – unclear] mare, one what has a young colt, the Rendering Truck from Belleville got it this morning. Today is Chicken Supper & Pinic [sic] in Paderborn. We went out to Uncle Fred’s at watermellons [sic] then took them along to the pinic [sic] at Paderborn, they had a nice crowd. Mr. Jung our egg man from Red Bud bought 11 doz. eggs @ 15¢. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came here awhile, they were at Sensel’s bought a watermellon [sic] for 25¢, & they went to see Dentist Wagner at the Club House, tomorrow morn, they have to go to Belleville & get teeth fixed. It was sure hot today. Aunt Mary bought bread, flour, at the pinic [sic], 2 loaves for 5¢, & 5¢ loaf, she bought 4.
Wednesday, Aug. 10, 1932
Filed Under: 1932, August Tagged With: alfalfa_hay, Anton, Aunt Mary, Belleville, Bershing, Club_House, cyclone, dentist, eggs, egg_man, Henry, Jung, lightning_strike, Paderborn, Red_Bud, Rendering, Rosalia, Ruma, Sensel, tornado, Uncle Fred, Wagner, watermelons
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