Thursday, Feb. 17, 1938

Raining all nite. Harry Wittenauer stopped in. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came had dinner & supper, helped quilt. The church people is quilting at Rennecker’s, put it in yesterday. Bert [Bertille] got invitation card for Gertie & Aloys Roth Wedding dance at Daab’s Club house next Tues. eve. There is a Wayne poultry feed meeting at Kammler’s hall tonite; sponsored by L. D. Mertz, giving away 100 lb. sack Wayne growing mash as attendance prize.

Thursday, Nov. 12, 1936

Pap got load corn fodder & Leona & Billy [Willis] came back with him, she helped quilt all day, the rest came up for supper & we quilted at nite, while the men went to Kammler’s hall to a poultry meeting given by L.D. Mertz, in regard to Wayne feeds. Pap & Bert went to Belleville, he got his upper set [teeth] today, & looked at Bert, getting along alright.