Saturday, June 16, 1934

Papa & Rose went out to Henry’s again all day, help shock wheat, had lunch, dinner lunch, there. Bertille baked pie. The days are awful warm, & evenings cool; & awful dry. Donahue’s are having a free dance again tonite, musci [sic] by Night Hawks, we didn’t go, to tired; also free for the ladies at Pautler’s, & Brezzy Hill.

Sunday, June 10, 1934

Rose & Bert went to church, Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary had dinner here. Gus Edler was here on business to see Uncle Fred. The Ladies Aid have pinic [sic] & cold supper; & childrens program, we went awhile, in the evening, The Night Hawks of Waterloo, Norman Heyl, etc. played stopped at 8 o’clock, they had to play for free dance in Foster Pond; we walked up to Maniers watched the dance there tonite, a pretty good crowd, Moonlight Orch. playing. John Griffin & Mamie Eichenseer, where the lucky girl winners at pinic [sic]. They had a nice crowd at the pinic [sic], The corespondents [sic] of New Democrat, are having there pinic [sic] at Daab’s Club House at Smithon [sic] today.