Thursday, April 6, 1939

Holy Day. Went to 8 o clock mass. stayed in 1/2 hr. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stopped in awhile. Bill [Klein] & Bert [Bertille] went to St. Louis & E. St. Louis Hatcheries to see about chicks in May, went shopping at Belleville; went to Red Bud closing of Holy Hour from 7 to 8 o clock. Sure is cold.

Thursday, March 25, 1937

Went to Red Bud mass. Leo & Rose came down had dinner here; Pap & Leo went to Freeburg looked at cows. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came & Rose & Bert went along to Belleville; Rose got dress & Mary a hat. Pap & Leo went to Waterloo & Valmeyer looking at cows, stopped in at Waterloo church. Light bill was only $1. this mon. didn’t use it so much.

Thursday, April 9, 1936

Holy. We went to 8 o clock high mass & couminoun [sic – communion]. Raining all morning. Berti took eggs up got 15½¢. Took the soap in.

Thursday, April 18, 1935

Holy Thurs. Went to Red Bud 8′ o clock coummion [sic], & high mass at 9 o’clock. Rain all night & part of this morning. Walter Gregson & son Cletus, were here wanted to see Uncle about a water trough, but there weren’t up here, roads to muddy I suppose; they also looked at colt & binder. Clara Wagner got 6 doz. eggs this evening; 20¢. Hog checks are at Waterloo.

Thursday, March 29, 1934

Holy Thursday. Went to high mass, 9 o’clock, & Aunt Mary was here for breakfast & dinner. Uncle went home, came back again this afternoon & went to Belleville shopping. Rosalia went to Hecker, got 14¢ for eggs, got 50# flour. Mrs. Kroll moved to Waterloo.

Thursday, April 13, 1933

We went to 9 o clock mass. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where up, went to Bellville [sic] this afternoon. We went to Waterloo, took our eggs in got 9¢, went to church there.