Wednesday, March 29, 1939

Raining this morn. Uncle Fred went to Waterloo get oil changed. Aunt Mary stayed here. Leo & family came Marita stayed, they went to Athens to dentist; had dinner here. Sewed some lettuce & tomatoe seed & peas. Bert [Bertille] fixed curtains upstairs & put up. Received wheat check 1938 – $16.80. Bill [Klein] & Bert went to church.

Friday, Dec. 11, 1936

Pap & Rose went to Henrys got load oats. Pap & Berti went to Waterloo this afternoon, got last of benifit [sic] wheat AAA check $22.91. Pap got his measurements taken by Peiper for a new suit for Christmas. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up, we played 5 hand pinochle, listened to radio.