Saturday, July 23, 1938

Nice day but hot. Mayme Prickett is appointed post office clerk while Len Mertz has gone on a trip to Omaha Neb. So many sales this afternoon Prediger’s, Friedrich, town sale Schrieber Red Bud. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came, we all went to Red Bud, to Schrieber’s sale. We went to Leo’s this eve. cut lawn, cut pickles etc. they had intended coming down.

Monday, Aug. 15, 1932

Our Chev, had a flat tie so we took Uncle Fred’s machine to church & came to late. It rained this morning. Rosalia & Bertille went along to Belleville with Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary, she got a new dress. Mr. Hill was here getting signers for a petition that the post office stays in Hecker. There was a man around selling watermellons [sic] 3.5 lbs. for 25¢, he said they sold 65 at Red Bud. There was a guy here selling maytags.