Thursday, Sept. 15, 1938

Uncle Fred walked up & got wagon & team, going to haul wood today, from the woods to his house. Bert [Bertille] started house cleaning west room upstairs, nice cool 59 [degrees] this morn on radio. Wittenauers have harrowing, everybody busy in fields now. Hall’s big circus in town tonite, on Werner Kammlers lots; have elephant, mule, 2 horses, camel, dog, monkey; seen them all when they unloaded, didn’t go to circus. Adm. 20. Emil went said it was pretty good, didn’t last very long; had no musci [sic], at all.

Wednesday, Sept. 14, 1938

Nice cool morning, after all the rain yesterday. Bert [Bertille] ironed, patched; pap. plowed orchard & harrowed it. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up this afternoon working across street. Hall’s big animal circus , coming to town tomorrow nite only. Adm. 20 & 10. and elphant [sic] weighing 5000 lbs. big girl jumbo. Henry & family & Leo & family. It is awful cool this eve; with light rain.