Saturday, May 31, 1930

Today is a busy day.  The St. Augustine’s parish of Hecker is going to have a picnic this afternoon.  Papa & Rosalia went out to Uncle Fred’s to help kill the chickens to get everything ready.  We took 3 spring chickens, 2 loafs bread, can peas, lettuce, dressing, 2 cakes, 2 glasses jelly for the picnic.  Uncle Fred and Aunt Mary were here for dinner we had chicken soup.  Papa & Uncle Fred was up in the weenie stand.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stayed at our house all night.  They had breakfast, dinner and lunch with us the next day Sunday.

Friday, May 30, 1930

Today is a school picnic at Waterloo.  Papa was up town this morning.  Papa has to help to fix up the stands this afternoon.  Bertille scrubbed all over.  Rosalia baked 2 cakes for the picnic and also 2 loaves of bread.  In the evening we went out to Uncle Fred’s & Christ Buehler’s family were there & George Wagner’s family, Fred Armstutz and wife and Mrs. Mike Armstutz.