Saturday, March 5, 1932

This morning snow fell & cold, it is to be 15 above zero tonight, the paper says. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this afternoon, they went down to Red Bud to Hy. Frischkorn’s sale, but it was postponed they thought until Sat., he was going to call over the lines then, when he would have it. So she helped to quilt this afternoon. They where here for supper. Geo. Sensel postponed his sale until Wednesday. The paper say’s the heaviest snow of this winter fell this morning. At noon, the sun came out it wasn’t just so bad, but tonight is awful cold. We made fire in the furnace again. Pearl Griffin was operated on last Tues. for appendix, & is getting along nicely so far. They haven’t found Lindy’s baby yet, $50,000 ransom is out for them, if they bring the child back.

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