Thursday, Dec. 25, 1930

Today is Merry Christmas.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up early this morning & we all went to church but Uncle Fred he went up stairs & lay down awhile with the kids.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary was here last night for supper.  This morning they were all here for breakfast.  Henry & Leona went home & left the kids here.  Bobby went along with them home with Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary.  We took Floyd along out to Henry’s with us, we were all there for dinner & for supper, Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary, Geodells, family.  In the afternoon we played pinochle.  Papa & Bertille were partners & won every game against Uncle Fred & Henry.  We came home about 4:30 then Bertille went after the mail, but no mail there.  Mamie Eichenseer called up this evening & wanted to know if we would be at home, so then she came down this [way], we played pinochle, Papa & Bertille & we won every game.  Then we played Euchre because next Sun. night is euchre in the School Hall, but them Mamie & Rosalia won.  She stayed till about 10 o’clock.

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