Friday, Dec. 26, 1930

This morning we all went to church.  The Eichenseer’s kids were all here this morning.  Harold, Cyril, Clarence, Lucinda.  Them boys all got pocket knifes for Christmas from Santa Claus.  Today Bill Freund was here for dinner, he brought Rosalia & Bertille each a scarf for a Christmas present.  Rosalia got the mail this morning.  I seen in the papers that Al Geodelle of Waterloo have a little girl.  Mr. McCarthy teacher of the Hecker Public School had a Christmas Program & also Santa Claus was there, he received many beautiful present, powder, perfume, shaving outfit from the school children, & he presented them each with a bag of candy.  School is closed now till Monday, Jan. 5 1931.  The author Mr. Harris, of the piece “After the Ball” passed away at the age of 65, I seen in the paper.

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