Today is Alfreda Wittenauer’s birthday and also Elmer Parker’s. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary have an invitation to come to Parker’s this evening. There is going to be a dance there. We are not invited. Papa, Rosalia went out to Henry’s this morning to get some straw and a few other things. Bertille went to church. Uncle Fred & Papa went to Waterloo this afternoon. They brought souvenirs along for the women. They gave egg timers and for the men a key knife. Aunt Mary stayed at our house. They ate supper with us. Bertille took 4 dozen eggs to the store and got .21¢ a dozen. Farther Grootens and Clement Parker was at our house this afternoon. They wanted a wheelbarrow, but we didn’t have any so they went over to Joe Wachtel and there got one.
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