Saturday, April 9, 1938

Cold snow & froze hard. Warming up this afternoon, Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came, Bert [Bertille] went along to Fauss sale in Waterloo, bought few articles. Bert got chain card to win hankies, came from Mrs. Aselm Hellener of Waterloo; Mr. Wuller of Belleville, brother to the guy, they put in pen shot himself yesterday, so did Fred Papenberg brother in St. Louis.

Wednesday, March 23, 1938

Cooler today. Pap hauled 4 loads wheat to Waterloo, got 77 [cents] 76 [cents] 75 [cents] top – 80 [cents]; wheat is getting hot; & dirty. Bert [Bertille] finished cleaning upstairs, except for washing curtains. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came this eve; her & Bert went to lent service. Fr. Joe. Orlet had sermon. Wuller the Ex pres. of Belleville bank is to go to jail latter part of week for 15 yrs. & at 5 yrs. paroled.