Leona was up & the kids too. Papa was called on to help work at the new school again today, so he went up & brought 3 benches down here & Leona took one along home with her. When Papa came for dinner he brought 4 benches along for Aunt Mary’s. We washed and ironed, baked bread, patched today. Today Father Schlarman is to be ordained [the] Bishop of Peoria. There is expected to be 300 to 400 priests present & 25,000 people to see the big event. Mrs. Rennecker was over talking to us a little while this evening. Papa dug a few new potatoes this evening. Those that are there are sure nice & large, but there isn’t very many on a hill. Papa didn’t go to work this afternoon. He didn’t feel good. He is so stiff in his legs. Rosalia & Bertille went out to Henry’s this evening. Leona cut our hair. We looked after the horse & colt & mare.
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