Tuesday, Feb. 23, 1937

Pap went up town to deliver a message with Ivo Buehler to Rose; We went up there this eve. sugar cured there meat, had supper played cards. Fr. came out yet at 9 o clock looking for Isd; he is to start working tomorrow in a furniture Jameison’s at E. St. Louis; he played couple games with us also. Uncle Fred & A. Mary came; Bert went along to Waterloo and business with him, she quilted here all afternoon. Renneckers gave one in to for church, had quilting today & nite. Frische came got oats some of them.

Sunday, Jan. 15, 1933

We went to Red Bud. Mrs. Oscar Klotz invited Renneckers to there place for dinner today. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here for dinner. Mrs. Staunfiel was here Sud. [sic- Sunday] afternoon. We and Uncle Fred Aunt Mary were at Louis Armstutz this eve. and we were playing cards. [ed. note: part of this entry is written in different handwriting – believed to be Rosalia’s].

Monday, Oct. 10, 1932

We didn’t wash, it is rainning [sic] a little this morn, & is awful cloudy. Mr. Hill was here to gather news this morning. Rosalia sewed a jumper. Bertille went over to Renneckers & got the paper. We took the cream & 41 lbs. hens to Eichenseers this evening. Papa paid Frances Eichenseer for 100 bus. coal $13.00 today.