Thursday, July 15, 1937

Bert [Bertille] went to Henry’s got jugs; he isn’t feeling well, stomache [sic] trouble. Jac Erle came on business, we canceled the Whip Ins. Sally Neff came this eve. Pap went over to Geo Napier’s, she & kids were at Chas. Wagners threshing. Sally Neff was at Probst’s.

Monday, May 31, 1937

Holiday, Decoration Day. Pap went to Henry’s, took mower home; went to Schillings to get lumber. Rob. Laut, Pierre, Buddy Napier & Geo. Boll strawing Rob’s, potato patch today; Geo. Wagner putting rubber roofing on barn today. School pinic [sic] today at Waterloo, parade at 10:30; all day pinic [sic]. Uncle Fred & A. Mary came Bert [Bertille] went along to Waterloo to pinic [sic]. We planted, pumpkins, watermelons, pickles, beans etc. truck patch.

Saturday, May 15, 1937

Pierre Laut & Buddy Napier had Geo Boll’s team plowed the patches; all finished. Olive [Olivia] got qt. milk. Uncle Fred & A. Mary were up this afternoon. Hecker baseball team Jrs [? – unclear] have a dance at Pautler’s tonite. Skaers musci [sic]. Adm. 25¢. Eggs 17¢.

Sunday, Aug. 11, 1935

Went to Red Bud mass, & Boy! was Fr. sored [sic – soured], caused of the pinic [sic], only cleared $100.00 our quilt brought $20.00, but he had to take 48. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped & went to the pinic [sic] for supper, at Manier Park, we went to in the evening; large crowd; music in the afternoon by Floraville brass band & Pals of Harmony for the dance. Adm. 25¢, we didn’t win a thing; the quilts were won by Adele Bocker, & Mrs. Ad. Spalt & one raffled with playing bluey, by Adolph Rittmeyer. The chickens were all [gone] before supper, Adm. 40¢. Ray Herzog & Dorothy Napier were married yesterday. Rickert of Freeburg & Lillian Armbruster were married about 2 weeks ago at Belleville Court House, they say.

Wednesday, Dec. 19, 1934

Fried down bacon & sausage, finished up ironing, patch. Baked eggless cookies. This morning everything was white, 6 inches snow fell, & Oh! Boy, wasn’t that a schuffling [sic – shuffling] this morning, “you tell em.” Ike Napier & Dorothy of New Athens just recently returned from Arkansas, due to the illness & death of Mr. Napiers mother. We made ice cream this evening, & it was good, this time of the year.

Wednesday, April 18, 1934

We planted the rest of our potatoes today. George Wagner came & got the mule & plow, to work his patch up. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, Rose & Bertie went along to the card party in St. Augustine’s School Hall; pretty large attendance. Berti had 2 points & Rose had 4, so we got nothing, Uncle Fred had 10 got a broom. Some nice prizes they had. Mr. Judge Scheinder Waterloo had 11 points won first prize, got bucket & quilt top; & Clem Parker won attendance prize, a krinkle bed spread. Mamie came this morning, Rose set her hair. The lumber man & Ike Napier were here, talk roofing, from New Athens.

Monday, April 16, 1934

We washed, ironed, patched, cooked kettle soap, finished now. A man was here wanted to buy old gold rings etc, we had none. Lester Gregson was here, electioneering, tomorrow is town election. Pap & Rose went out to Henry’s wanted to haul load wheat to Waterloo, but couldn’t get in the yard so came back again, then went over to New Athens got some cement & nail kegs empty ones, seen Ike Napier over there at the lumber yard where he is working. Nice day. Rose took 21 doz. eggs up. 13¢. Bertille wrote a letter to Kansas, joined in the cake & cookie contest to be over Apr. 30, sent recipes.

Monday, May 8, 1933

Henry came here, & we went along with him to Hershel [sic – Herschel] Blackburns funeral, to church & cemetery, we didn’t go out to the house, we thought the roads would be bad, but they said the roads are good; it was a very large funeral, & very sad one. The pall bearers where Grover Cleveland, Buddy Napier, Elmer Papenberg, Dilbert Mueth, Henry Sensel, Alfred Eckert; all boys of 14. Henry was here for lunch. We drove out to Ronnerberg’s looked at the corn there; it is Reheis. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up to work in there garden, planted cabbage plants out, came over here for supper, brought chicken along. Josie Gregson birthday.


[editor’s note: Herschel Blackburn was born in 1919. He died just shy of his 14th birthday; hence the reason why Bertille mentions that all his pallbearers were 14.]

Saturday, March 11, 1933

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up here & papa went along with them to Mrs. Louisa Soul’s sale, but didn’t buy anything brought a fair price. They stayed here for supper. Ike Napier come & paid for the hog 450 – $13.90. Ed Scheinder got 43½ doz. eggs for hatching, but only paid $2.20 so far still $2.15 to pay yet, but had no more money. Roy Stauenfbiel brought the crushing down this eve, it wasn’t working, this morning; something was out of order. There was awful large attendance at Saul’s sale. Mrs. Vic Eichenseer, Lucinda, Bud, & Angela & Clarence Wittenauer came this evening, we played pinochle six hand. 2 games.

Thursday, March 9, 1933

Papa went to Red Bud to get butter milk for our chicks. Ike Napier & Karl Boll came & got the hog this morn, it weighed 309 lbs. at 4.50¢ lb. Steve Rennecker came over this afternoon, the ladies of the Evangical [sic] church have meeting George Kammler’s. Mr. Philip Ruhl 79 years of age died & will be buried this afternoon at New Athens.