Sunday, May 10, 1931

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here for lunch this morning.  Henry & family where here for dinner, after they left we went out to Uncle Fred’s, had supper there, it started to rain, then we left.  This evening they came up here, & we all went to Jackson’s show but Papa.  We stopped took Mamie along.  We had to stand, because the seats gave out, they started in cracking, & so many people there, they also had a children’s play in the New School, but none of us went, there was no crowd there at all.  The Kentucky Mt. played at the show, & what fun, they played the Elephant.  They sold the 2 kinds of medicine tonight.

Thursday, Feb. 5, 1931

Tonight is a dance at Smithton, the Kentucky Mountaineers are giving a show there.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here for dinner today.  They were cleaning at there place again.  Ed Neff was here this morn. & got 2 bus. of potatoes from Uncle Fred’s.  Aunt Mary & Bert. went to the quilting this afternoon, in the school hall.  Deukers moved into John Kammlers house, Werner helped them move with his truck.  We cut the chickens wings off this evening.  Bertille took 8 doz. eggs to Eichenseer’s, got 14¢ a doz.