Thursday, Jan. 17, 1935

Fried in bacon. Henry & Leona went to Belleville, Billy [Willis] stayed here. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came this afternoon. We went to Donahue’s to Tipton Parish euchre party, played 10 games, we didn’t receive prizes, had 5 points; not much of a crowd, & no prizes; a quilt was raffled out & was won by Ruth May. Mr. Bill Kelley of Ruma, died will be buried tomorrow morning.

Friday, April 6, 1934

Rain last night & this morning, getting colder. We got a letter & check $2.40 for pap had witnessed to the handwriting Val. Fritsche will, which was probated at Sept. 15, 1932 & received check today. Koch Undertaker brought Mrs. Louis Birkner to her home about 1 o clock, the funeral will be Sun. afternoon at 2 o clock. It was reported today that Wm. Weigand Sr. 67 yrs. while unloading steers at the stockyard yesterday was kicked & broker his leg, all splintered, he is in the hospital Bellville [sic]. Papa went up after the mail. Several young boys of Tiptown & Burskville [sic] entered the reforestration at Jefferson Barracks Mo. last Mon. for special training, then will be sent out to CCC camp. K. Mc Carthy, E. Kopp, L. Esker, Wm. Crook all of back at Burskville [sic]. Walter Kelley’s little girl left a vise fall on her arm, but no bones were broken.