Monday, June 12, 1939

Raining all day. Bert [Bertille] washed [unclear] is in tubs. Mauff stopped in, got a 10 [cents] oranges. Frischkorn working on his threshing outfit over at Renneckers; today. Cold have fire in range; yesterday & today. Hail places on Sat. We received a copy of Jubliee [sic] Edition of Messenger; yesterday.

Friday, Dec. 17, 1937

Bernice got doz. eggs. Raining all day; getting colder, this eve. Emil & Josie & Clara & Lee left last Mon. morn. went to B in Alb. by Ed & Carrie, came back this eve. about 3:30; sure had some trip, was so icy Mon, & Tues. & raining all time. Pap got mail. Was in Messenger Fr. Teonnis of Paderborn is in hospital.