Monday, July 13, 1931

Today is wash, iron & patch day.  Papa went out to Henry’s to get the posts for a shed, Henry brought them up on the wagon.  This afternoon Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, they where here for lunch, & supper.  He helped papa with the straw shed.  The Karr Range Co wind [? – unclear] through this afternoon & played the radio, it was nice.  George Wagner & the kids where here this evening.  Bertille got a recipe book from Mrs. Rennecker this afternoon.  Alfred Stahl had awful bad luck the other day.  Some thing caught fire & it came up to the seperator [sic] & started burning the fire stuff there & he tried to fight it, & got his hand all scorched & burned & also his arm, he hooked the engine too it & broke 4 links, so there it was, so the water wagon came then & it got it out, then he was on the engine & fell off & broke the same arm.